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Tetrate Istio Distro

Tetrate Istio Distro is simple, safe enterprise-grade Istio distro.

This add-on is implemented as an external add-on. For detailed documentation and usage of the add-on please refer to the add-on repository.


Checkout the full example.


This step deploys the Tetrate Istio Distro with default Helm Chart config

  enable_tetrate_istio = true

Alternatively, you can override the helm values by using the code snippet below

  enable_tetrate_istio = true

  # Optional fine-grained configuration

  tetrate_istio_distribution    = "TID"    # (default, Tetrate Istio Distro)
  tetrate_istio_version         = "1.12.2"
  tetrate_istio_install_base    = "true"   # (default, Istio `base` Helm Chart)
  tetrate_istio_install_cni     = "true"   # (default, Istio `cni` Helm Chart)
  tetrate_istio_install_istiod  = "true"   # (default, Istio `istiod` Helm Chart)
  tetrate_istio_install_gateway = "true"   # (default, Istio `gateway` Helm Chart)

  # Istio `base` Helm Chart config
  tetrate_istio_base_helm_config = {
    name = "istio-base"            # (default) Release name.
    repository = "" # (default) Repository URL where to locate the requested chart.
    chart   = "base"               # (default) Chart name to be installed.
    version = "1.12.2"             # (default) The exact chart version to install.
    values  = []

  # Istio `cni` Helm Chart config
  tetrate_istio_cni_helm_config = {
    name = "istio-cni"             # (default) Release name.
    repository = "" # (default) Repository URL where to locate the requested chart.
    chart   = "cni"                # (default) Chart name to be installed.
    version = "1.12.2"             # (default) The exact chart version to install.
    values  = [yamlencode({
      "global" : {
        "hub" : "",
        "tag" : "1.12.2-tetratefips-v0",

  # Istio `istiod` Helm Chart config
  tetrate_istio_istiod_helm_config = {
    name = "istio-istiod"          # (default) Release name.
    repository = "" # (default) Repository URL where to locate the requested chart.
    chart   = "istiod"             # (default) Chart name to be installed.
    version = "1.12.2"             # (default) The exact chart version to install.
    values  = [yamlencode({
      "global" : {
        "hub" : "",
        "tag" : "1.12.2-tetratefips-v0",

  # Istio `gateway` Helm Chart config
  tetrate_istio_gateway_helm_config = {
    name = "istio-ingress"         # (default) Release name.
    repository = "" # (default) Repository URL where to locate the requested chart.
    chart   = "gateway"            # (default) Chart name to be installed.
    version = "1.12.2"             # (default) The exact chart version to install.
    values  = []

GitOps Configuration

The following properties are made available for use when managing the add-on via GitOps

tetrateIstio = {
  enable = true

GitOps with ArgoCD Add-on repo is located here